Technology of Participation
Focused Conversation Method
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1 a1 Reviewing the year

2 a2 Reviewing a Workshop

3 A3 Reviewing a Consultants Presentation

4 a4 Reviewing a Planning even

5 a5 Reviewing the day

6 A6 Reviewing an Organizations Pas

7 a7 Evaluating a seminar

8 a8 Evaluating a Curriculum

9 a9 Evaluating the Progress of a Projec

10 a10 Analysing a Product that Failed to sell

11 a11 Evaluating a Marketing Package

12 a12 Reviewing a Major report

13 a13 evaluating a staff service Program

14 a14 evaluating a trade show

15 a15 evaluating a new Business Form

16 B1 Focusing a Group before a Workshop

17 B2 introducing a new training topic

18 B3 Preparing a short Presentation

19 B4 Getting input for a Book review

20 B5 Preparing a Group to Write a report

21 B6 Preparing a symbol and slogan

22 B7 Planning a Workplace study Group

23 B8 Preparing the agenda for a Meeting

24 B9 organizing an in-house service Group

25 B10 Planning a staff Party

26 B11 Working on a Brochure

27 B12 assembling a Budge

28 B13 redesigning office space

29 B14 envisioning new decor

30 B15 selecting a topic for an upcoming Conference

31 B16 designing a Customer service Manual

32 B17 initiating Marketing Planning

33 B18 Preparing a strategic Presentation on a new Produc

34 C1 Coaching a Colleague

35 C2 talking through a job description

36 C3 Giving Feedback to instructors

37 C4 holding accountability with an employee

38 C5 discussing a set of employee Guidelines

39 C6 Meditating on a difficult situation

40 C7 Mentoring a staff Person on a Family Crisis affecting Work: #1

41 C8 Mentoring a staff Person on a Family Crisis affecting Work: #2

42 C9 Monitoring a new employee

43 C10 resolving a long-term Misunderstanding

44 C11 responding to a Personal Complain

45 C12 Calming an upset Customer

46 d1 interpreting a story

47 d2 sharing an essay

48 d3 discussing a training video

49 d4 holding a Movie Conversation

50 d5 assessing social trends

51 d6 holding a news Conversation

52 d7 Pondering organizational Change

53 d8 appraising a sales offer

54 D9 Tailoring Your Services to a Customers Needs

55 d10 interpreting a systems audi

56 d11 analysing Budget Performance

57 d12 reflecting on a Chaotic Meeting

58 d13 Considering the impact of new Government regulations on a Produc

59 d14 reflecting on a Proposal for departmental reorganization

60 e1 helping a Workmate think through a decision

61 e2 Making assignments within a team

62 e3 deciding Work Priorities

63 e4 discussing a staff response to a strategy documen

64 e5 Breaking up a decisional logjam in a Group

65 e6 deciding on a trade show strategy

66 E7 Reframing a Teams Mission

67 e8 implementing a new Board Policy

68 e9 determining Program Priorities

69 e10 developing the terms of reference for a Major Project evaluation

70 e11 Building the annual Budget

71 e12 dealing with Work environment issues

72 e13 reworking office Protocol

73 F1 Canvassing employees

74 F2 reviewing Work descriptions

75 F3 interviewing a job applican

76 F4 Musing on a Frustrating Meeting

77 F5 Conducting a Performance appraisal

78 F6 assessing staff Workplace needs

79 F7 troubleshooting a stalled Projec

80 F8 interpreting a shop Floor Grievance

81 F9 naming Market influences

82 F10 analysing sales statistics

83 F11 dealing with delegation issues

84 F12 Collaborating on a supply Program

85 F13 reflecting on a transition

86 F14 highlighting the Comparative Profile of the Firm

87 F15 Building a Phased timeline for a restructuring Projec

88 F16 New Managers Reflection on their Leadership Roles

89 F17 assessing impact of a training experience

90 F18 Creating Participation Guidelines

91 G1 reflecting on the day

92 G2 learning from a life even

93 G3 Planning for Personal Growth

94 G4 Facilitators Internal Reflection while Leading a Group

95 G5 appraising an additional assignmen

96 G6 Celebrating a Great victory

97 G7 Celebrating a Colleagues Retirement: a Conversation with the individua l

98 G8 Celebrating a Colleagues Retirement: Group reflection

99 G9 Celebrating a staff Birthday

100 Reflecting on a Field Trip to the Zoo

101 Learning from a Puppet Show

102 Reflecting on a Story about Self-image

103 Reflecting on a Story

104 Reflecting on a Story about Something That is Not What it Seems

105 Responding to a Play

106 Extending a Math Exercise in Elementary School

107 Integrating the Experience of the Day

108 Using a Televised Sportscast to Teach Teamwork

109 Preparing for Writing an Exam Essay Question

110 Finding Meaning in a Popular Film

111 Exploring the Meaning of a Work of Ar

112 Thinking through Issues in a Documentary Video

113 Understanding the Movie Schindler s Lis

114 Understanding a High School Math Concep

115 Reflecting on a Team Experiential Learning Exercise

116 Evaluating of a Video on Violence in Society

117 Reflecting on a Group Experience

118 Understanding an Assignmen

119 Practicing English by Reviewing TV Habits

120 Integrating Learning from an Exercise in an ESL Class

121 Practicing English while Discussing a Newspaper Article

122 Reflecting on a Day in a Learning Lab Experience

123 Debriefing the Day as a Team

124 Celebrating Learnings from a Tough Year

125 Learning from a Historical Scan

126 Mentoring a New Teacher

127 Introducing an Unpracticed Skill

128 Exploring the Topic of a Paper

129 Learning from the Movie Stand and Deliver

130 Processing a Presentation of New Information

131 Debriefing Presentations of Approaches that Work

132 Debriefing a Role-Play on Team Teaching

133 Understanding Society from a Teenager s Point of View

134 Understanding Learning Styles

135 Integrating Reports from Small Group Work

136 Envisioning the Future of Education

137 Introducing a Cooperative Learning Projec

138 Conferencing during a Group Project to Evaluate and Plan Action

139 Thinking about Leadership with Students

140 Solving a Problem with a Group Technology Project

141 Creating an Anti-Racism Policy

142 Responding to a Draft Policy

143 Implementing Recommendations for Change

144 Evaluating Staff Surveys and Recommendations

145 50 Gathering Ideas from a Focus Group on a Web Site

146 Improving Staff Meetings

147 Making a Mission Statement Meaningful

148 Planning Curriculum

149 Improving Parent-Teacher Interview Evenings

150 Identifying Issues as Input to a Collaborative Plan

151 Understanding a Policy and Resource Guide

152 Sharing a Quarterly Team Progress Repor

153 Reflecting on a Writing Team s Work

154 Talking through Roles and Responsibilities

155 Determining Staff Development Needs

156 Assessing Need for Staff Development in a School Visi

157 Deciding What Course Material to Purchase for a Language Program

158 Identifying Educational Trends

159 Inspiring Effective Teaching

160 Planning Staff Development for Working with School Community Councils

161 Reflecting on Effective Learning at a Principals Conference

162 Understanding a Regional Structure and its Benefits

163 Setting the Context for Planning

164 Debriefing an Intensive Brainstorming Session

165 Making a Mid-Course Correction of an Action Plan

166 Discussing Implications of New Performance Standards with Staff

167 Exploring the Implications of Performance Standards with Families

168 Reflecting on a Year-long Study Group

169 Making Communication Effective in Groups 77 Assigning Projects to New Facilitators

170 Gathering Feedback on Proposed Sex Education Curriculum

171 Establishing A Parent Advisory Council

172 Establishing a Community Advisory Council

173 Editing a School Pamphlet

174 Unblocking Poor Parent Involvemen

175 Reflecting on a Survey

176 Focusing the Purpose of a Parenting Workshop

177 Talking through Misbehaviour with Preschool Children

178 Conversation after a Playground Figh

179 Increasing Understanding of Sexual Harassmen

180 Improving Behavior on the School Bus

181 Solving a Conflict between Students

182 Understanding Rude and Bullying Behavior

183 Discussing Peer Pressure with Students

184 Discussing Discipline with a Student after a Confrontation

185 Debriefing a Major Trauma with Students or Staff

186 Debriefing a Conflict in Class

187 Examining Underachievement of Ethnic Groups in School

188 Increasing Participation of Businesses in a School Community Council

189 Making Recommendations to Change the School Timetable

190 Solving a Problem with Support Staff

191 Involving Staff in School Improvement Planning

192 Thinking through a Serious Personnel Issue

193 Exploring the Concept of Effective Teams

194 Identifying Challenges with Discipline

195 Discussing Homophobia

196 Dealing with Inappropriate Conduct at Recess

197 Reflecting on a Rough Day on the Way Home

198 Talking with Teachers about a Frustrating Field Trip

199 Exploring Alternatives to Punitive Discipline

200 Increasing Teacher Skills in Effective Discipline

201 Discussing Strategy for a Student s Misbehavior as a Faculty

202 Handling an Irate Phone Call

203 Talking With a Parent about a Child with Discipline Problems

204 Discussing a Response to Education Cutbacks

205 Leading an Inspirational Study to Begin a Board Meeting

206 Understanding the State of the School

207 Recommending Appropriate Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

208 Solving a Safety Problem

209 Reflecting on a Spelling Bee

210 Coaching a Sports Team

211 Reflecting With Students on an Enrichment Program

212 Sharing Use of Portfolios for Student Assessmen

213 Evaluating a Library Program

214 Sharing Techniques of Evaluation and Assessmen

215 Evaluating School Achievement Data

216 Reflecting Informally on a Leadership Program

217 Evaluating the Implementation of a New Curriculum

218 Processing a Training Session Quickly

219 Debriefing the Day

220 Evaluating a Project Group s Work

221 Reflecting on a Personal Growth Plan with a Mentor

222 Evaluating a Difficult Teaching Situation Alone

223 Talking with a Teacher at a Parent/Teacher Conference

224 Talking with a Parent at a Parent / Teacher Conference

225 Discussing a Portfolio with Parents and Teacher

226 Deciding about Retaining a Student in a Grade

227 Healthy Behavior: Taking Care of Ourselves

228 Evaluating a Difficult Teaching Situation Alone

229 Planning for a Special Education Studen

230 Talking with a Teacher at a Parent/Teacher Conference

231 Talking with a Parent at a Parent / Teacher Conference

232 Discussing a Portfolio with Parents and Teacher

233 Deciding about Retaining a Student in a Grade

234 Improving Parent/Teacher Conferences

235 Planning for a Special Education Studen

236 Evaluating a Program with Preschoolers

237 Dealing with Complaints about a Staff Member

238 Responding to a Proposed School Leadership Change

239 Reviewing Requests to Cancel a Class Trip

240 Increasing Participation of Businesses in a School Community Council

241 Understanding Bullying

242 Compliance and work place inspection

243 Special Authorization

244 Problem Solving and/or System Change

245 Team Updates Matrix row 3: cordinate "Planned Action"

246 Conversation to adjust budget

247 Quarterly Update Conversation on your group summaries

248 Initiating new team members

249 Implementing hospital hygiene (HH) as part of clinical PA.

250 Getting buy-in and compliance for change already implemented. eg. Hours of operation.

251 Non compliance with handwashing

252 Angry relatives about wait times

253 Start time shift (day)

254 Compliance with eye protection

255 Safe patient transfer and lift policy

256 Falls prevention guidelines

257 Care review for a perceived delay in treatment of a baby

258 Provision of Services. PSW-client wants needs more hours

259 Performance issues with workers

260 Grievance Concern

261 Restructuring Workload / work assignments

262 Expectations from LHIN

263 Call with a client about a Health Case Manager not returning the clients calls.

264 Refreshed BSC

265 Planning education for client services. Difficult conversations for CMs’

266 getting nurses to order supplies accurately in home.

267 Techniques for reducing absenteeism in the workplace

268 Calming an upset client / family member

269 Historical Scan conversation

270 Sudden reduction in budget

271 Counseling for Short-Wait List Facilities

272 Client requires more care

273 Presentation of a Decision

274 General meeting with a team to discuss guidelines for dealing with conflict

275 Delivering an unpopular Decision

276 Taking ownership of Compliance

277 Adhoc problem with a high technical component

278 Talking about intimidation with a whole group

279 Working with a ‘why bother” attitude

280 Preparing for upcoming staff changes.

281 Two party personal conflict

282 Planning for new office space

283 Streamlining Efficiencies

284 Aligning values and behaviour

285 Collaboration on implementation of CDIP / CMP activities

286 Elements of a high performance team

287 Co-infection policy conference - Support Service delivery

288 Co-infection policy conference - Social policy development

289 Co-infection policy conference - Clinical service delivery

290 Co-infection policy conference - Socia-Behavioural Research

291 Co-infection policy conference -Clinical and Epidemiological Research

292 Program implementation between 2 Directorates.

293 introducing a new VP to staff

294 Organizational Culture/ Meeting Culture

295 Implementing self reported symptoms at a regional level(site lod/adim, project leads IPM, clinicians)

296 Dealing with limited office space.

297 Review of a recent HR policy on Cap on promotion maximum to 2nd grade level

298 Addressing long wait times in hospitals in cancer care

299 Strategic Partnerships

300 Sharing Approaches That Work Interview

301 Documenting a project

302 Getting to know a community after a neighbourhood walk.

303 Community Historical Scan

304 Basic community data gathering

305 Frameworking a project

306 Creating a practical vision of the future

307 Issues, underlying obstacles, root causes and systemic blockages

308 Strategies and new approaches

309 Learning from implementing an action plan

310 Human change conversation

311 Action Planning